Consulting for


What are interesting investment opportunities in mining? There are a range of critical factors, such as infrastructure, licensing requirements, social and environmental aspects, to name but a few. But the most important value lies with the characteristics of the resource, the deposit and the two value-generation processes: mining and mineral processing. SIX-S is a specialised […]

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Looking for reliable data for informed investment decisions or for strategic and operational plant optimisation,  relying on representative samples and analysis results, on sensor-based process analytical technology or ore sorting? SIX-S is the right partner to develop integrated optimisation projects from resource to product. SIX-S follows a wholistic and interdisciplinary approach including stakeholders in all […]

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Wether for improving investments or daily operational procedures, or optimisation projects along the mining value chain, all decisions need to be based on reliable information. Reliable information derived from relevant data about heterogenious materials and processes, whether mined, processed or sold, has a direct impact on profitability. With a wholistic interdisciplinary approach focusing on obtaining […]

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Project Managers

As more and more successful sensor-based ore sorting projects are implemented, the interest in these possibilities is increasing. SIX-S is the right partner to manage projects for the evaluation, implementation and optimisation of sensor-based ore sorting. With increasing awareness about the technology of sensor-based ore sorting, more projects are created and managed to evaluate the […]

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SIX-S provides guidance to authorities and regulators on legislation and permissions. Taking into account the specific characteristics of mineral processing and sensor-based ore sorting technology allows us to offer guidance on appropriate sampling requirements for sustainable mine waste and tailings characterisation, monitoring and end-stage storage. Pre-concentration technologies with sensor-based ore sorting in particular allows insight […]

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Smelters and Refineries

Operating as a trusted high quality supplier of services and fulfilling contractual obligations reliably must be based on appropriate sampling protocols and on a systems approach for quality control, quality assurance and comprehensive quality management. With decades of experience serving smelters and refineries, optimising metal quality and consistency, SIX-S delivers valuable contributions towards optimising the […]

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Analytical Laboratories

SIX-S does not make a systems’ definition boundary at the entry door to the analytical laboratory. While specific analytical expertise is always incorporated from the best collaborating professional and commercial analytical laboratories, SIX-S’ critical role is to be responsible for the integrity and quality of the analytical test portion, or for the representativeness of sensor […]

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